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Tyre Costs under control at Henderson Food Service

Henderson Food Service 50 strong vehicle fleet requires a highly pro-active and managed service that Modern Tyres have been providing for the last four years.


Philip Mehaffey Operations Manager at Henderson Food Service is quick to praise Modern Tyres

“The service offered by Modern Tyres is fantastic.  With 40 branches located throughout Ireland they are well positioned to respond to any tyre related issues no matter where we are. I get a  a be-spoke management report on a monthly basis, this is highly valuable as it gives us  an in depth analysis of our tyre spend. From this data we can monitor tyre cost per vehicle, we can also evaluate the cost of tyres being removed due to damage and with Modern Tyres help have carried our driver training to raise awareness of tyre related issues that drivers should be looking out for during their daily checks. This training has helped reduce tyres being replaced due to damage caused by driver error.

Modern Tyres work closely with us to provide a tyre maintenance schedule for our fleet. From their detailed monthly fleet checks we get a summary on the remaining usable tyre tread on each tyre and from this and the kms travelled we can calculate when tyre replacement is likely to take place. This helps to keep our monthly tyre costs stabilised with no large unnecessary spikes.

While we have a brand policy in place with Modern Tyres they are always looking at introducing new tyres that will help extend tyre life and safe us money.

By fastidiously managing the fleet Modern Tyres have succeeded in providing  a cost effective solution in addressing the continually rising cost of tyres whilst upholding the highest compliance and safety standards.

Unbeatable service at a price to match, one less headache for the commercial fleet operator. For more information on our fleet management packages please contact Stephen Shaw  on 07715 326003 or email

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